Sunday, December 31, 2017

To New Year’s Resolutions!

It’s the end of another year, and once again we make resolutions that we, most of us anyway, have no intention of keeping. In the past I’ve made resolutions, usually too many at one time, that I tend to forget about by the time February 1 rolls around. This year I decided to take a new approach. I’m choosing two goals - to simplify my life and to be a better balanced person.

Really these two goals go hand in hand. In choosing to simplify my life I’ve chosen a pretty mighty goal, one that is really going to challenge me through the year. I’ve chosen that for one year, outside of any necessities, I will not purchase any new clothes or shoes. I have a closet full of clothes and shoes I love, but for whatever reason I’m constantly buying new things. I’m not sure if this is because it gives me the (temporary) sense of fulfillment and happiness or that I just love getting new things. Whatever the reason I’m choosing to focus on what is currently in my closet. I believe this will force me to be creative with what I have. I can discover which clothes I truly love and which clothes I only wear out of a sense of guilt - e.g. I spent hard earned money or they were a gift. At the end of the year I’ll go through my closet and get rid of the things I didn’t touch.

It’s a truly lofty goal, but I’m determined to see it through. And maybe documenting it in a blog will help make me accountable.

To be a better balanced person I plan to step up my fitness routine, eat a healthier diet, and focus more on my spiritual walk. Most of us in the instant gratification society our world has become look for easy and quick fixes. We don’t focus on sustainable changes in our lives. We want easy, but easy doesn't always equal long lasting.

But I am determined 2018 will be different! I plan to change my lifestyle so that the changes are sustainable and not quick fixes. It won’t be easy! Most things worth it rarely are. My hope though is that in a year I have transformed in the best version of myself.

So welcome to my journey. Hopefully anyone who reads this will be inspired to make changes along with me.

And here’s to New Year’s Resolutions! May we all make changes in 2018 that bring us to our best selves.